I know how big a market in industry and research are special accessories and products made of precious metals or their alloys.
Therefore, our offer includes products such as:
• Class S, R and B thermocouple wires made of Pt99 and PtRh alloys
• Crucibles, evaporating dishes, stands dedicated to laboratory tests made of Pt, PtIr and PtAu alloys
• Specialized laboratory accessories made of Pt, PtRh, PtIr and PtAu alloys
• Elements made of PtRh for the glass industry (tubes, meshes, power supplies, meshes, etc.)
• Elements for the chemical industry such as catalytic grids, plates, etc.
• Elements for the metallurgical industry, such as thermocouple covers, wires and plates made of Pt, PtRh
All products or accessories are made by reputable manufacturers and of the highest standards.